Teaching Your Children About Feelings

A group of children with different expressions on their faces.

Children will often act out because they don’t have the words to express themselves. With this in mind, teaching your children about the many emotions that they will encounter in life can be very helpful. Through observation, children learn how to express emotions, as well as respond to emotions shown by others. The Benefits Of Teaching Children…

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Love and Oxytocin

A person holding a heart in their hand.

Cupid’s arrows must be dipped in oxytocin. Also referred to as the “Love Hormone”, oxytocin is involved in social recognition and bonding, and is believed to play a part in the formation of trust between people. When you’re attracted to another person, your brain releases dopamine, your serotonin levels increase, and oxytocin is produced. This…

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The Power of Choice

A woman standing in front of arrows and the words " the power of choice ".

Many go through life unaware of the choices that they make and the impact of these choices on their circumstances and emotional responses. Once we become aware of the choices that are within our control, we take back the power that was lost due to our lack of awareness. Choice Theory, which was formulated by…

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Using Behavior Modification Charts for Children

A boy and girl sitting at a table with their hands raised.

Behavior Modification Charts, also known as Behavior Charts, can be a very useful tool for parents and teachers to help children increase desired behaviors (e.g., getting dressed in the morning for school or helping set or clear the table for dinner) or to correct a specific behavioral problem (such as not listening, defiance, whining, or not doing homework).…

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Positive Self Talk

A chalkboard with the words positive thinking written on it.

The 2 Parts of Me There is an inner dialogue always happening inside each of us, but we’re not often aware of this inner dialogue until we really listen and/or give it a voice. These pesky messages influence our feelings, behaviors, and needs in the split of a second! Though there are many parts to…

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The Benefits of Playing in the Sun

A person sitting on the beach with a hat in their hand.

Ah, vitamin “sea†can always make me smile! Ok, ok, maybe it’s not “vitamin sea” but vitamin D that we should focus on.. Soaking up the sun is likely to provide some tangible and immediate benefits. Here are five ways the sun can affect your mental and physical health. 1. Increased Vitamin D Vitamin D…

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Stress Management

A woman standing in the middle of a field with her arms raised.

Sometimes stressors in our lives hit like a storm and being prepared can make all the difference. There will always be events that contribute to worry and frustration and require extra attention and patience. Stress management is all about taking control of your lifestyle, thoughts, and emotions. Here are 3 tips to help manage stress.…

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Positive Parenting

A little boy sitting on top of a bench holding an open book.

Catch them doing something right and praise them for it! It’s a simple idea, but there’s a lot to it when it comes to parenting. Frequently, parents notice when children are misbehaving and use punishment to change behaviors. The problem with consistent use of punishment is that compliance is temporary. Once the fear of punishment…

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Managing Financial-Stress

A dollar bill sitting on top of a wooden table.

Stress occurs when life events surpass our abilities to cope. It causes the body to produce greater levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which in large amounts weakens the immune system, placing us at greater risk of contracting viruses. In addition, stress may cause changes in appetite (i.e., decreased food intake or cravings for fatty…

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